Friday, May 1, 2009

Dehydrating Onions

Sorry for the trouble, but this post has moved to our new blog location.  Go straight to Dehydrating Onions! Thanks!


  1. I am literally allergic to onions. I have to buy and cook with dehydrated ones because even if I use gloves and don't touch my eyes or anything my eyes swell shut. It would be good to have dehydrated onions and so smart to do it outside! So how are you feeling now? I hope better!

  2. Just want to second the motion to do the dehydrating of onions, and of chives, far far outside! The house smelled, and my eyes watered in the house, for almost a week after I made the mistake of doing the chives indoors!!!

    Yes - onions dehydrate great! When they come in on the cannery waste trucks for feeding the heifers, I usually grab some and dry them out.

  3. Hope you're feeling better now!

    I'm coveting your dehydrator. ;-) My little Nesco just arrived in the mail this week. I think I'm going to tackle kiwi first if I can find them here for a decent price. Yummmmm.

    It never would have occured to me to do this outside...THANKS. And I love all the pictures.

    I'm going to an ichiba (market) on Monday - wish me luck at finding some good produce to start learning on!

  4. I haven't dehydrated any of my onions. I have the Walking onion type that keeps growing and growing and growing. What I do is freeze them for little pearl onions. I would like to dehydrate some, but My dehydrator has an electric fan for circulation and requires it to be plugged in so No going outside with it. I do like you dehydrator it's neat.

  5. Anna--we have an outdoor outlet, so I just run an extension cord from that and plug the dehydrator in wherever I want it. You could also run an extension cord from an indoor outlet to your dehydrator outside, you'd just probably have to leave the door cracked so the cord could get out.

  6. Angela, I read your blog often - but I don't think I have ever left a comment. I think your blog is awesome. Soooo I've given you a blog award. You can stop by my blog anytime and pick it up.

  7. Interesting.... I may have to try this. I've never been a big fan of dehydrated onions in cooking, but I've only used the little store-bought dehydrated flakes you find in the store the few times I've tried it. They didn't do much for me, but store-bought stuff is often that way.

    Have you had good luck with the home dried onions keeping their flavor when you cook with them?

    I enjoy your blog, btw :)

  8. And you can now take those super-dry onions, whirl them in a food processor, blender or coffee grinder for onion powder. Add some salt and you will have onion salt.

  9. Thanks, Sondra! That made my day!

    Paladin-these rehydrate better in your cooking than those commercial ones. The flavor with these is not quite the same as fresh chopped onion, but they do give enough flavor. I never know exactly how much dried onion makes how much fresh chopped onion also, so I'm usually guessing at the amount when I use these anyway.

    Darlene--thanks! I completely forgot about adding that! Fantastic! :)

  10. Excellent post! I actually blogged about ways to enjoy vegetables in an emergency and dehydrating them was one of the suggestions. It was so appropriate to find your blog today that I even added a link back. Thanks!

  11. That's a great idea, I honestly never thought to try that. It'd be great for Onion Soup!

  12. (I got the bright idea that I should get a dehydrator and really get serious about putting up food. I found a site that looked good with great instructions here)Just wanted to let you know that I put your link on my page :)

  13. Hi, I just stumbled onto your site while searching for info on dehydrating onions. I just got my dehydrator and have onions in there now. I think they are almost done, but I'm wondering how do I know when they are done? I guess I should have bought a How-to book before I started!

  14. Kari, they're done when they're crispy dry. They'll crunch-no "meaty" onion bits left. Good luck! :)

  15. Thank you Angela. I think they are almost done! They are still not quite crispy but almost. Thanks again for your help and responding so quickly:)
